svm – Eloquent Arduino Blog Machine learning on Arduino, programming & electronics Thu, 24 Dec 2020 07:16:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to train a IRIS classification Machine learning classifier directly on your Arduino board Sat, 28 Mar 2020 18:02:09 +0000 In this hands-on guide about on-board SVM training we're going to see a classifier in action, training it on the Iris dataset and evaluating its performance. What we'll make In this demo project we're going to take a know dataset (iris flowers) and interactively train an SVM classifier on it, adjusting the number of samples […]

L'articolo How to train a IRIS classification Machine learning classifier directly on your Arduino board proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

In this hands-on guide about on-board SVM training we're going to see a classifier in action, training it on the Iris dataset and evaluating its performance.

What we'll make

In this demo project we're going to take a know dataset (iris flowers) and interactively train an SVM classifier on it, adjusting the number of samples to see the effects on both training time, inference time and accuracy.


#ifdef ESP32
#define min(a, b) (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)
#define max(a, b) (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)
#define abs(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : -(x))

#include <EloquentSVMSMO.h>
#include "iris.h"


using namespace Eloquent::ML;

int y_train[TOTAL_SAMPLES];
int y_test[TOTAL_SAMPLES];
SVMSMO<FEATURES_DIM> classifier(linearKernel);

First of all we need to include a couple files, namely EloquentSVMSMO.h for the SVM classifier and iris.h for the dataset.

iris.h defines a couple constants:

  • FEATURES_DIM: the number of features each sample has (4 in this case)
  • POSITIVE_SAMPLES: the number of samples that belong to the positive class (50)
  • NEGATIVE_SAMPLES: the number of samples that belong to the negative class (50)

The we declare the array that hold the data: X_train and y_train for the training process, X_test and y_test for the inference process.


void setup() {

    // configure classifier

Here we just set a few parameters for the classifier. You could actually skip this step in this demo, since the defaults will work well. Those lines are there so you know you can tweak them, if needed.

Please refer to the demo for color classification for an explanation of each parameter.


void loop() {
    int positiveSamples = readSerialNumber("How many positive samples will you use for training? ", POSITIVE_SAMPLES);

    if (positiveSamples > POSITIVE_SAMPLES - 1) {
        Serial.println("Too many positive samples entered. All but one will be used instead");
        positiveSamples = POSITIVE_SAMPLES - 1;

    int negativeSamples = readSerialNumber("How many negative samples will you use for training? ", NEGATIVE_SAMPLES);

    if (negativeSamples > NEGATIVE_SAMPLES - 1) {
        Serial.println("Too many negative samples entered. All but one will be used instead");
        negativeSamples = NEGATIVE_SAMPLES - 1;

    loadDataset(positiveSamples, negativeSamples);

    // ...

 * Ask the user to enter a numeric value
int readSerialNumber(String prompt, int maxAllowed) {
    Serial.print(" (");
    Serial.print(" max) ");

    while (!Serial.available()) delay(1);

    int n = Serial.readStringUntil('\n').toInt();


    return n;

 * Divide training and test data
void loadDataset(int positiveSamples, int negativeSamples) {
    int positiveTestSamples = POSITIVE_SAMPLES - positiveSamples;

    for (int i = 0; i < positiveSamples; i++) {
        memcpy(X_train[i], X_positive[i], FEATURES_DIM);
        y_train[i] = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < negativeSamples; i++) {
        memcpy(X_train[i + positiveSamples], X_negative[i], FEATURES_DIM);
        y_train[i + positiveSamples] = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < positiveTestSamples; i++) {
        memcpy(X_test[i], X_positive[i + positiveSamples], FEATURES_DIM);
        y_test[i] = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < NEGATIVE_SAMPLES - negativeSamples; i++) {
        memcpy(X_test[i + positiveTestSamples], X_negative[i + negativeSamples], FEATURES_DIM);
        y_test[i + positiveTestSamples] = -1;

The code above is a preliminary step where you're asked to enter how many samples you will use for training of both positive and negative classes.

This way you can have multiple run of benchmarking without the need to re-compile and re-upload the sketch.

It also shows that the training process can be "dynamic", in the sense that you can tweak it at runtime as per your need.


time_t start = millis();, y_train, positiveSamples + negativeSamples);
Serial.print("It took ");
Serial.print(millis() - start);
Serial.print("ms to train on ");
Serial.print(positiveSamples + negativeSamples);
Serial.println(" samples");

Training is actually a one line operation. Here we'll also logging how much time it takes to train.


void loop() {
    // ...

    int tp = 0;
    int tn = 0;
    int fp = 0;
    int fn = 0;

    start = millis();

    for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_SAMPLES - positiveSamples - negativeSamples; i++) {
        int y_pred = classifier.predict(X_train, X_test[i]);
        int y_true = y_test[i];

        if (y_pred == y_true && y_pred ==  1) tp += 1;
        if (y_pred == y_true && y_pred == -1) tn += 1;
        if (y_pred != y_true && y_pred ==  1) fp += 1;
        if (y_pred != y_true && y_pred == -1) fn += 1;

    Serial.print("It took ");
    Serial.print(millis() - start);
    Serial.print("ms to test on ");
    Serial.print(TOTAL_SAMPLES - positiveSamples - negativeSamples);
    Serial.println(" samples");

    printConfusionMatrix(tp, tn, fp, fn);

 * Dump confusion matrix to Serial monitor
void printConfusionMatrix(int tp, int tn, int fp, int fn) {
    Serial.print("Overall accuracy ");
    Serial.print(100.0 * (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn));
    Serial.println("Confusion matrix");
    Serial.print("          | Predicted 1 | Predicted -1 |\n");
    Serial.print("Actual  1 |      ");
    Serial.print("     |      ");
    Serial.print("       |\n");
    Serial.print("Actual -1 |      ");
    Serial.print("      |      ");
    Serial.print("       |\n");

Finally we can run the classification on our test set and get the overall accuracy.

We also print the confusion matrix to double-check each class accuracy.

Finding this content useful?

Check the full project code on Github where you'll also find another dataset to test, which is characterized by a number of features much higher (30 instead of 4).

L'articolo How to train a IRIS classification Machine learning classifier directly on your Arduino board proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Handwritten digit classification with Arduino and MicroML Sun, 23 Feb 2020 10:53:03 +0000 We continue exploring the endless possibilities on the MicroML (Machine Learning for Microcontrollers) framework on Arduino and ESP32 boards: in this post we're back to image classification. In particular, we'll distinguish handwritten digits using an ESP32 camera. If this is the first time you're reading my blog, you may have missed that I'm on a […]

L'articolo Handwritten digit classification with Arduino and MicroML proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

We continue exploring the endless possibilities on the MicroML (Machine Learning for Microcontrollers) framework on Arduino and ESP32 boards: in this post we're back to image classification. In particular, we'll distinguish handwritten digits using an ESP32 camera.

Arduino handwritten digit classification

If this is the first time you're reading my blog, you may have missed that I'm on a journey to push the limits of Machine learning on embedded devices like the Arduino boards and ESP32.

I started with accelerometer data classification, then did Wifi indoor positioning as a proof of concept.

In the last weeks, though, I undertook a more difficult path that is image classification.

Image classification is where Convolutional Neural Networks really shine, but I'm here to question this settlement and demostrate that it is possible to come up with much lighter alternatives.

In this post we continue with the examples, replicating a "benchmark" dataset in Machine learning: the handwritten digits classification.

If you are curious about a specific image classification task you would like to see implemented, let me know in the comments: I'm always open to new ideas

The task

The objective of this example is to be able to tell what an handwritten digit is, taking as input a photo from the ESP32 camera.

In particular, we have 3 handwritten numbers and the task of our model will be to distinguish which image is what number.

Handwritten digits example

I only have a single image per digit, but you're free to draw as many samples as you like: it should help improve the performance of you're classifier.

1. Feature extraction

When dealing with images, if you use a CNN this step is often overlooked: CNNs are made on purpose to handle raw pixel values, so you just throw the image in and it is handled properly.

When using other types of classifiers, it could help add a bit of feature engineering to help the classifier doing its job and achieve high accuracy.

But not this time.

I wanted to be as "light" as possible in this demo, so I only took a couple steps during the feature acquisition:

  1. use a grayscale image
  2. downsample to a manageable size
  3. convert it to black/white with a threshold

I would hardly call this feature engineering.

This is an example of the result of this pipeline.

Handwritten digit feature extraction

The code for this pipeline is really simple and is almost the same from the example on motion detection.

#include "esp_camera.h"

#define PWDN_GPIO_NUM     -1
#define RESET_GPIO_NUM    15
#define XCLK_GPIO_NUM     27
#define SIOD_GPIO_NUM     22
#define SIOC_GPIO_NUM     23
#define Y9_GPIO_NUM       19
#define Y8_GPIO_NUM       36
#define Y7_GPIO_NUM       18
#define Y6_GPIO_NUM       39
#define Y5_GPIO_NUM        5
#define Y4_GPIO_NUM       34
#define Y3_GPIO_NUM       35
#define Y2_GPIO_NUM       32
#define VSYNC_GPIO_NUM    25
#define HREF_GPIO_NUM     26
#define PCLK_GPIO_NUM     21

#define WIDTH 160
#define HEIGHT 120
#define BLOCK_SIZE 5
#define W (WIDTH / BLOCK_SIZE)
#define THRESHOLD 127

double features[H*W] = { 0 };

void setup() {
    Serial.println(setup_camera(FRAME_SIZE) ? "OK" : "ERR INIT");

void loop() {
    if (!capture_still()) {
        Serial.println("Failed capture");


bool setup_camera(framesize_t frameSize) {
    camera_config_t config;

    config.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0;
    config.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0;
    config.pin_d0 = Y2_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d1 = Y3_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d2 = Y4_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d3 = Y5_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d4 = Y6_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d5 = Y7_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d6 = Y8_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_d7 = Y9_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_xclk = XCLK_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_pclk = PCLK_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_vsync = VSYNC_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_href = HREF_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_sscb_sda = SIOD_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_sscb_scl = SIOC_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_pwdn = PWDN_GPIO_NUM;
    config.pin_reset = RESET_GPIO_NUM;
    config.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000;
    config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_GRAYSCALE;
    config.frame_size = frameSize;
    config.jpeg_quality = 12;
    config.fb_count = 1;

    bool ok = esp_camera_init(&config) == ESP_OK;

    sensor_t *sensor = esp_camera_sensor_get();
    sensor->set_framesize(sensor, frameSize);

    return ok;

bool capture_still() {
    camera_fb_t *frame = esp_camera_fb_get();

    if (!frame)
        return false;

    // reset all the features
    for (size_t i = 0; i < H * W; i++)
      features[i] = 0;

    // for each pixel, compute the position in the downsampled image
    for (size_t i = 0; i < frame->len; i++) {
      const uint16_t x = i % WIDTH;
      const uint16_t y = floor(i / WIDTH);
      const uint8_t block_x = floor(x / BLOCK_SIZE);
      const uint8_t block_y = floor(y / BLOCK_SIZE);
      const uint16_t j = block_y * W + block_x;

      features[j] += frame->buf[i];

    // apply threshold
    for (size_t i = 0; i < H * W; i++) {
      features[i] = (features[i] / (BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE) > THRESHOLD) ? 1 : 0;

    return true;

void print_features() {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < H * W; i++) {

        if (i != H * W - 1)


2. Samples recording

To create your own dataset, you need a collection of handwritten digits.

You can do this part as you like, by using pieces of paper or a monitor. I used a tablet because it was well illuminated and I could open a bunch of tabs to keep a record of my samples.

As in the apple vs orange, keep in mind that you should be consistent during both the training phase and the inference phase.

This is why I used tape to fix my ESP32 camera to the desk and kept the tablet in the exact same position.

If you desire, you could experiment varying slightly the capturing setup during the training and see if your classifier still achieves good accuracy: this is a test I didn't make.

3. Train and export the classifier

For a detailed guide refer to the tutorial

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10).fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap)

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your Arduino project, in a file called model.h.

4. The result

Okay, at this point you should have all the working pieces to do handwritten digit image classification on your ESP32 camera. Include your model in the sketch and run the classification.

#include "model.h"

void loop() {
    if (!capture_still()) {
        Serial.println("Failed capture");


    Serial.print("Number: ");


You can see a demo of my results in the video below.

Project figures

My dataset is composed of 25 training samples in total and the SVM with linear kernel produced 17 support vectors.

On my M5Stick camera board, the overhead for the model is 6.8 Kb of flash and the inference takes 7ms: not that bad!

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo Handwritten digit classification with Arduino and MicroML proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Even smaller Machine learning models for your MCU: up to -82% code size Sat, 15 Feb 2020 16:37:32 +0000 So far we've used SVM (Support Vector Machine) as our main classifier to port a Machine learning model to a microcontroller: but recently I found an interesting alternative which could be waaaay smaller, mantaining a similar accuracy. Table of contentsThe current stateA new algorithm: Relevance Vector MachinesTraining a classifierPorting to CPerformace comparisonSize comparisonDisclaimer The current […]

L'articolo Even smaller Machine learning models for your MCU: up to -82% code size proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

So far we've used SVM (Support Vector Machine) as our main classifier to port a Machine learning model to a microcontroller: but recently I found an interesting alternative which could be waaaay smaller, mantaining a similar accuracy.

RVM vs SVM support vectors

The current state

I chose SVM as my main focus of intereset for the MicroML framework because I knew the support vector encoding could be very memory efficient once ported to plain C. And it really is.

I was able to port many real-world models (gesture identification, wake word detection) to tiny microcontrollers like the old Arduino Nano (32 kb flash, 2 kb RAM).

The tradeoff of my implementation was to sacrifice the flash space (which is usually quite big) to save as much RAM as possible, which is usually the most limiting factor.

Due to this implementation, if your model grows in size (highly dimensional data or not well separable data), the generated code will still fit in the RAM, but "overflow" the available flash.

In a couple of my previous post I warned that model selection might be a required step before being able to deploy a model to a MCU, since you should first check if it fits. If not, you must train another model hoping to get fewer support vectors, since each of them contributes to the code size increase.

A new algorithm: Relevance Vector Machines

It was by chance that I came across a new algorithm that I never heard of, called Relevance Vector Machine. It was patented by Microsoft until last year (so maybe this is the reason you don't see it in the wild), but now it is free of use as far as I can tell.

Here is the link to the paper if you want to read it, it gives some insights into the development process.

I'm not a mathematician, so I can't describe it accurately, but in a few words it uses the same formulation of SVM (a weightened sum of kernels), applying a Bayesan model.

This serves in the first place to be able to get the probabilities of the classification results, which is something totally missing in SVM.

In the second place, the algorithm tries to learn a much more sparse representation of the support vectors, as you can see in the following picture.

RVM vs SVM support vectors

When I first read the paper my first tought was just "wow"! This is exactly what I need for my MicroML framework: a ultra-lightweight model which can still achieve high accuracy.

Training a classifier

Now that I knew this algorithm, I searched for it in the sklearn documentation: it was not there.

It seems that, since it was patented, they didn't have an implementation.

Fortunately, there is an implementation which follows the sklearn paradigm. You have to install it:

pip install Cython
pip install

Since the interface is the usual fit predict, it is super easy to train a classifier.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from skbayes.rvm_ard_models import RVC
import warnings

# I get tons of boring warnings during training, so turn it off

iris = load_iris()
X =
y =
clf = RVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.001), y)
y_predict = clf.predict(X)

The parameters for the constructor are similar to those of the SVC classifier from sklearn:

  • kernel: one of linear, poly, rbf
  • degree: if kernel=poly
  • gamma: if kernel=poly or kernel=rbf

You can read the docs from sklearn to learn more.

Porting to C

Now that we have a trained classifier, we have to port it to plain C that compiles on our microcontroller of choice.

I patched my package micromlgen to do the job for you, so you should install the latest version to get it working.

 pip install --upgrade micromlgen

Now the export part is almost the same as with an SVM classifier.

 from micromlgen import port_rvm

 clf = get_rvm_classifier()
 c_code = port_rvm(clf)

And you're done: you have plain C code you can embed in any microcontroller.

Performace comparison

To test the effectiveness of this new algorithm, I applied it to the datasets I built in my previous posts, comparing side by side the size and accuracy of both SVM and RVM.

The results are summarized in the next table.

Dataset SVM RVM Delta
Flash(byte) Acc. (%) Flash(byte) Acc. (%) Flash Acc.
RGB colors 4584 100 3580 100 -22% -0%
Accelerometer gestures(linear kernel) 36888 92 7056 85 -80% -7%
Accelerometer gestures(gaussian kernel) 45348 95 7766 95 -82% -0%
Wifi positioning 4641 100 3534 100 -24% -0%
Wake word(linear kernel) 18098 86 3602 53 -80% -33%
Wake word(gaussian kernel) 21788 90 4826 62 -78% -28%

** the accuracy reported are with default parameters, without any tuning, averaged in 30 runs

As you may see, the results are quite surpising:

  • you can achieve up to 82% space reduction on highly dimensional dataset without any loss in accuracy (accelerometer gestures with gaussian kernel)
  • sometimes you may not be able to achieve a decent accuracy (62% at most on the wake word dataset)

As in any situation, you should test which one of the two algorithms works best for your use case, but there a couple of guidelines you may follow:

  • if you need top accuracy, probably SVM can achieve slighter better performance if you have enough space
  • if you need tiny space or top speed, test if RVM achieves a satisfiable accuracy
  • if both SVM and RVM achieve comparable performace, go with RVM: it's much lighter than SVM in most cases and will run faster

Size comparison

As a reference, here is the codes generated for an SVM classifier and an RVM one to classify the IRIS dataset.

uint8_t predict_rvm(double *x) {
    double decision[3] = { 0 };
    decision[0] = -0.6190847299428206;
    decision[1] = (compute_kernel(x,  6.3, 3.3, 6.0, 2.5) - 72.33233 ) * 0.228214 + -2.3609625;
    decision[2] = (compute_kernel(x,  7.7, 2.8, 6.7, 2.0) - 81.0089166 ) * -0.29006 + -3.360963;
    uint8_t idx = 0;
    double val = decision[0];
    for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
        if (decision[i] > val) {
            idx = i;
            val = decision[i];
    return idx;

int predict_svm(double *x) {
    double kernels[10] = { 0 };
    double decisions[3] = { 0 };
    int votes[3] = { 0 };
        kernels[0] = compute_kernel(x,   6.7  , 3.0  , 5.0  , 1.7 );
        kernels[1] = compute_kernel(x,   6.0  , 2.7  , 5.1  , 1.6 );
        kernels[2] = compute_kernel(x,   5.1  , 2.5  , 3.0  , 1.1 );
        kernels[3] = compute_kernel(x,   6.0  , 3.0  , 4.8  , 1.8 );
        kernels[4] = compute_kernel(x,   7.2  , 3.0  , 5.8  , 1.6 );
        kernels[5] = compute_kernel(x,   4.9  , 2.5  , 4.5  , 1.7 );
        kernels[6] = compute_kernel(x,   6.2  , 2.8  , 4.8  , 1.8 );
        kernels[7] = compute_kernel(x,   6.0  , 2.2  , 5.0  , 1.5 );
        kernels[8] = compute_kernel(x,   4.8  , 3.4  , 1.9  , 0.2 );
        kernels[9] = compute_kernel(x,   5.1  , 3.3  , 1.7  , 0.5 );
        decisions[0] = 20.276395502
                    + kernels[0] * 100.0
                    + kernels[1] * 100.0
                    + kernels[3] * -79.351629954
                    + kernels[4] * -49.298850195
                    + kernels[6] * -40.585178082
                    + kernels[7] * -30.764341769
        decisions[1] = -0.903345464
                    + kernels[2] * 0.743494115
                    + kernels[9] * -0.743494115
        decisions[2] = -1.507856504
                    + kernels[5] * 0.203695177
                    + kernels[8] * -0.160020702
                    + kernels[9] * -0.043674475
        votes[decisions[0] > 0 ? 0 : 1] += 1;
        votes[decisions[1] > 0 ? 0 : 2] += 1;
        votes[decisions[2] > 0 ? 1 : 2] += 1;
                int classVal = -1;
        int classIdx = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            if (votes[i] > classVal) {
                classVal = votes[i];
                classIdx = i;
        return classIdx;

As you can see, RVM actually only computes 2 kernels and does 2 multiplications. SVM, on the other hand, computes 10 kernels and does 13 multiplications.

This is a recurring pattern, so RVM is much much faster in the inference process.


micromlgen and in particular port_rvm are work in progress: you may experience some glitches or it may not work in your specific case. Please report any issue on the Github repo.

L'articolo Even smaller Machine learning models for your MCU: up to -82% code size proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Apple or Orange? Image recognition with ESP32 and Arduino Sun, 12 Jan 2020 10:32:08 +0000 Do you have an ESP32 camera? Want to do image recognition directly on your ESP32, without a PC? In this post we'll look into a very basic image recognition task: distinguish apples from oranges with machine learning. Image recognition is a very hot topic these days in the AI/ML landscape. Convolutional Neural Networks really shines […]

L'articolo Apple or Orange? Image recognition with ESP32 and Arduino proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Do you have an ESP32 camera?

Want to do image recognition directly on your ESP32, without a PC?

In this post we'll look into a very basic image recognition task: distinguish apples from oranges with machine learning.

Apple vs Orange

Image recognition is a very hot topic these days in the AI/ML landscape. Convolutional Neural Networks really shines in this task and can achieve almost perfect accuracy on many scenarios.

Sadly, you can't run CNN on your ESP32, they're just too large for a microcontroller.

Since in this series about Machine Learning on Microcontrollers we're exploring the potential of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) at solving different classification tasks, we'll take a look into image classification too.

What we're going to do

In a previous post about color identification with Machine learning, we used an Arduino to detect the object we were pointing at with a color sensor (TCS3200) by its color: if we detected yellow, for example, we knew we had a banana in front of us.

Of course such a process is not object recognition at all: yellow may be a banane, or a lemon, or an apple.

Object inference, in that case, works only if you have exactly one object for a given color.

The objective of this post, instead, is to investigate if we can use the MicroML framework to do simple image recognition on the images from an ESP32 camera.

This is much more similar to the tasks you do on your PC with CNN or any other form of NN you are comfortable with. Sure, we will still apply some restrictions to fit the problem on a microcontroller, but this is a huge step forward compared to the simple color identification.

In this context, image recognition means deciding which class (from the trained ones) the current image belongs to. This algorithm can't locate interesting objects in the image, neither detect if an object is present in the frame. It will classify the current image based on the samples recorded during training.

As any beginning machine learning project about image classification worth of respect, our task will be to distinguish an orange from an apple.

Features definition

I have to admit that I rarely use NN, so I may be wrong here, but from the examples I read online it looks to me that features engineering is not a fundamental task with NN.

Those few times I used CNN, I always used the whole image as input, as-is. I didn't extracted any feature from them (e.g. color histogram): the CNN worked perfectly fine with raw images.

I don't think this will work best with SVM, but in this first post we're starting as simple as possible, so we'll be using the RGB components of the image as our features. In a future post, we'll introduce additional features to try to improve our results.

I said we're using the RGB components of the image. But not all of them.

Even at the lowest resolution of 160x120 pixels, a raw RGB image from the camera would generate 160x120x3 = 57600 features: way too much.

We need to reduce this number to the bare minimum.

How much pixels do you think are necessary to get reasonable results in this task of classifying apples from oranges?

You would be surprised to know that I got 90% accuracy with an RGB image of 8x6!

You actually need very few pixels to do image classification

Yes, that's all we really need to do a good enough classification.

You can distinguish apples from oranges on ESP32 with 8x6 pixels only!
Click To Tweet

Of course this is a tradeoff: you can't expect to achieve 99% accuracy while mantaining the model size small enough to fit on a microcontroller. 90% is an acceptable accuracy for me in this context.

You have to keep in mind, moreover, that the features vector size grows quadratically with the image size (if you keep the aspect ratio). A raw RGB image of 8x6 generates 144 features: an image of 16x12 generates 576 features. This was already causing random crashes on my ESP32.

So we'll stick to 8x6 images.

Now, how do you compact a 160x120 image to 8x6? With downsampling.

This is the same tecnique we've used in the post about motion detection on ESP32: we define a block size and average all the pixels inside the block to get a single value (you can refer to that post for more details).

Image downsampling example

This time, though, we're working with RGB images instead of grayscale, so we'll repeat the exact same process 3 times, one for each channel.

This is the code excerpt that does the downsampling.

uint16_t rgb_frame[HEIGHT / BLOCK_SIZE][WIDTH / BLOCK_SIZE][3] = { 0 };

void grab_image() {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
        // get r, g, b from the buffer
        // see later

        const size_t j = i / 2;
        // transform x, y in the original image to x, y in the downsampled image
        // by dividing by BLOCK_SIZE
        const uint16_t x = j % WIDTH;
        const uint16_t y = floor(j / WIDTH);
        const uint8_t block_x = floor(x / BLOCK_SIZE);
        const uint8_t block_y = floor(y / BLOCK_SIZE);

        // average pixels in block (accumulate)
        rgb_frame[block_y][block_x][0] += r;
        rgb_frame[block_y][block_x][1] += g;
        rgb_frame[block_y][block_x][2] += b;

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Extracting RGB components

The ESP32 camera can store the image in different formats (of our interest — there are a couple more available):

  1. grayscale: no color information, just the intensity is stored. The buffer has size HEIGHT*WIDTH
  2. RGB565: stores each RGB pixel in two bytes, with 5 bit for red, 6 for green and 5 for blue. The buffer has size HEIGHT * WIDTH * 2
  3. JPEG: encodes (in hardware?) the image to jpeg. The buffer has a variable length, based on the encoding results

For our purpose, we'll use the RGB565 format and extract the 3 components from the 2 bytes with the following code.

taken from

config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_RGB565;

for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
    const uint8_t high = buf[i];
    const uint8_t low  = buf[i+1];
    const uint16_t pixel = (high << 8) | low;

    const uint8_t r = (pixel & 0b1111100000000000) >> 11;
    const uint8_t g = (pixel & 0b0000011111100000) >> 6;
    const uint8_t b = (pixel & 0b0000000000011111);

Record samples image

Now that we can grab the images from the camera, we'll need to take a few samples of each object we want to racognize.

Before doing so, we'll linearize the image matrix to a 1-dimensional vector, because that's what our prediction function expects.

#define W (WIDTH / BLOCK_SIZE)

void linearize_features() {
  size_t i = 0;
  double features[H*W*3] = {0};

  for (int y = 0; y < H; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < W; x++) {
      features[i++] = rgb_frame[y][x][0];
      features[i++] = rgb_frame[y][x][1];
      features[i++] = rgb_frame[y][x][2];

  // print to serial
  for (size_t i = 0; i < H*W*3; i++) {


Now you can setup your acquisition environment and take the samples: 15-20 of each object will do the job.

Image acquisition is a very noisy process: even keeping the camera still, you will get fluctuating values.
You need to be very accurate during this phase if you want to achieve good results.
I suggest you immobilize your camera with tape to a flat surface or use some kind of photographic easel.

Training the classifier

To train the classifier, save the features for each object in a file, one features vector per line. Then follow the steps on how to train a ML classifier for Arduino to get the exported model.

You can experiment with different classifier configurations.

My features were well distinguishable, so I had great results (100% accuracy) with any kernel (even linear).

One odd thing happened with the RBF kernel: I had to use an extremely low gamma value (0.0000001). Does anyone can explain me why? I usually go with a default value of 0.001.

The model produced 13 support vectors.

I did no features scaling: you could try it if classifying more than 2 classes and having poor results.

Apple vs Orange decision boundaries

Real world example

If you followed all the steps above, you should now have a model capable of detecting if your camera is shotting an apple or an orange, as you can see in the following video.

The little white object you see at the bottom of the image is the camera, taped to the desk.

Did you think it was possible to do simple image classification on your ESP32?


This is not full-fledged object recognition: it can't label objects while you walk as Tensorflow can do, for example.

You have to carefully craft your setup and be as consistent as possible between training and inferencing.

Still, I think this is a fun proof-of-concept that can have useful applications in simple scenarios where you can live with a fixed camera and don't want to use a full Raspberry Pi.

In the next weeks I settled to finally try TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers on my ESP32, so I'll try to do a comparison between them and this example and report my results.

Now that you can do image classification on your ESP32, can you think of a use case you will be able to apply this code to?

Let me know in the comments, we could even try realize it together if you need some help.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo Apple or Orange? Image recognition with ESP32 and Arduino proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Embedded Machine learning on Attiny85 Mon, 23 Dec 2019 16:57:15 +0000 You won't believe it, but you can run Machine learning on embedded systems like an Attiny85 (and many others Attiny)! When I first run a Machine learning project on my Arduino Nano (old generation), it already felt a big achievement. I mean, that board has only 32 Kb of program space and 2 Kb of […]

L'articolo Embedded Machine learning on Attiny85 proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

You won't believe it, but you can run Machine learning on embedded systems like an Attiny85 (and many others Attiny)!

ri-elaborated from

When I first run a Machine learning project on my Arduino Nano (old generation), it already felt a big achievement. I mean, that board has only 32 Kb of program space and 2 Kb of RAM and you can buy a chinese clone for around 2.50 $.

It already opened the path to a embedded machine learning at a new scale, given the huge amount of microcontrollers ready to become "intelligent".

But it was not enough for me: after all, the MicroML generator exports plain C that should run on any embedded system, not only on Arduino boards.

So I setup to test if I could go even smaller and run it on the #1 of tiny chips: the Attiny85.

MicroML exports plain C that could run anywhere, not only on Arduino boards.
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No, I couldn't.

The generated code makes use of a variadic function, which seems to not be supported by the Attiny compiler in the Arduino IDE.

So I had to come up with an alternative implementation to make it work.

Fortunately I already experimented with a non-variadic version when first writing the porter, so it was a matter of refreshing that algorithm and try it out.

Guess what? It compiled!

So I tried porting one my earliear tutorial (the color identification one) to the Attiny and...

Boom! Machine learning on an Attiny85!
Click To Tweet

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how you can do it too.

I strongly suggest you read the original tutorial before following this one, because I won't go into too much details on the common steps here.

1. Features definition

We're going to use the RGB components of a color sensor (TCS3200 in my case) to infer which object we're pointing it at. This means our features are going to be 3-dimensional, which leads to a really simple model with very high accuracy.

The Attiny85 has 8 Kb of flash and 512 bytes of RAM, so you won't be able to load any model that uses more than a few features (probably less than 10).

2. Record sample data

You must do this step on a board with a Serial interface, like an Arduino Uno / Nano / Pro Mini. See the original tutorial for the code of this step.

3. Train and export the SVM classifier

This part is exactly the same as the original, except for a single parameter: you will pass platform=attiny to the port function.

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = SVC(kernel='linear').fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap, platform='attiny')
The Attiny mode has been implemented in version 0.8 of micromlgen: if you installed an earlier version, first update

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your project, in a file called model.h.

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4. Run the inference

Since we don't have a Serial, we will blink a LED a number of times dependant on the prediction result.

#include "model.h"

#define LED 0

void loop() {

void classify() {
    for (uint8_t times = predict(features) + 1; times > 0; times--) {
        digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

Here we are: put some colored object in front of the sensor and see the LED blink.

Project figures

On my machine, the sketch requires 3434 bytes (41%) of program space and 21 bytes (4%) of RAM. This means you could actually run machine learning in even less space than what the Attiny85 provides.

This model in particular it's so tiny you can run in even on an Attiny45, which has only 4 Kb of flash and 256 bytes of RAM.

I'd like you to look at the RAM figure for a moment: 21 bytes. 21 bytes is all the memory you need to run a Machine learning algorithm on a microcontroller. This is the result of the implementation I chose: the least RAM overhead possible. I challenge you to go any lower than this.

21 bytes is all the memory you need to run a Machine learning algorithm on a microcontroller
Click To Tweet

Did you find this tutorial useful? Was is it easy to follow or did I miss something? Let me know in the comments so I can keep improving the blog.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo Embedded Machine learning on Attiny85 proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Word classification using Arduino and MicroML Sun, 22 Dec 2019 18:12:59 +0000 In this Arduno Machine learning tutorial we're going to use a microphone to identify the word you speak. This is going to run on an Arduino Nano (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash and only 2 kb of RAM. In this project the features are going to be the Fast Fourier Transform of […]

L'articolo Word classification using Arduino and MicroML proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

In this Arduno Machine learning tutorial we're going to use a microphone to identify the word you speak.
This is going to run on an Arduino Nano (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash and only 2 kb of RAM.


In this project the features are going to be the Fast Fourier Transform of 50 analog readings from a microphone, taken starting from when a loud sound is detected, sampled at intervals of 5 millis.

This tutorial is not about "Wake word" detection: it can't distinguish a known word from any other word. It can classify the word you speak among the ones you trained it to recognize!!!

1. Features definition

The microphone we're going to use is a super simple device: it produces an analog signal (0-1024) based on the sound it detects.


When working with audio you almost always don't want to use raw readings, since they're hardly useful. Instead you often go with Fourier Transform, which extracts the frequency information from a time signal. That's going to become our features vector: let's see how in the next step.

2. Record sample data

First of all, we start with raw audio data. The following plot is me saying random words.

Raw audio stream

#define MIC A0
#define INTERVAL 5

void setup() {
    pinMode(MIC, INPUT);

void loop() {

2.1 Translate the raw values

For the Fourier Transform to work, we need to provide as input an array of values both positive and negative. analogRead() is returning only positive values, tough, so we need to translate them.

int16_t readMic() {
    // this translated the analog value to a proper interval
    return  (analogRead(MIC) - 512) >> 2;

2.2 Detect sound

As in the tutorial about gesture classification, we'll start recording the features when a word is beginning to be pronounced. Also in this project we'll use a threshold to detect the start of a word.

To do this, we first record a "background" sound level, that is the value produced by the sensor when we're not talking at all.

float backgroundSound = 0;

void setup() {
    pinMode(MIC, INPUT);

void calibrate() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
        backgroundSound += readMic();

    backgroundSound /= 200;

    Serial.print("Background sound level is ");

At this point we can check for the starting of a word when the detected sound level exceeds tha background one by a given threshold.

// adjust as per your need
// it will depend on the sensitivity of you microphone

void loop() {
    if (!soundDetected()) {

bool soundDetected() {
    return abs(read() - backgroundSound) >= SOUND_THRESHOLD;

2.3 Record the words

As for the gestures, we'll record a fixed number of readings at a fixed interval.
Here a tradeoff arises: you want to have a decent number of readings to be able to accurately describe the words you want to classify, but not too much otherwise your model is going to be too large to fit in your board.

I made some experiments, and I got good results with 32 samples at 5 millis interval, which covers ~150 ms of speech.

The dilemma here is that the Fourier Transform to work needs a number of samples that is a power of 2. So, if you think 32 features are not enough for you, you're forced to go with at least 64: this has a REALLY bad impact on the model size.
#define NUM_SAMPLES 32
#define INTERVAL 5

float features[NUM_SAMPLES];
double featuresForFFT[NUM_SAMPLES];

void loop() {
    if (!soundDetected()) {


void captureWord() {
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
        features[i] = readMic();

void printFeatures() {
    const uint16_t numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(float);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
        Serial.print(i == numFeatures - 1 ? 'n' : ',');

2.4 Fast Fourier Transform

Here we are with the Fourier Transform. When implemented in software, the most widely implementation of the FT is actually called Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which is - as you may guess - a fast implementation of the FT.

Luckily for us, there exists a library for Arduino that does FFT.

And is so easy to use that we only need a line to get usable results!

#include <arduinoFFT.h>

arduinoFFT fft;

void captureWord() {
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
        featuresForFFT[i] = readMic();


    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++)
        features[i] = featuresForFFT[i];

You don't need to know what the Windowing function actually does (I don't either): what matters is that it extracts meaningful informations from our signal. Since it overwrites the features array, after calling that line we have what we need to input to our classifier.

At this point, record 10-15 samples for each word and save them to a file, one for each word.

After you have recorded the samples for a word, I suggest you to manually check them. It is sufficient to look at the first 3 values: if one of them seems to be clearly out of range, I suggest you to delete it. You will lose some accuracy, but your model will be smaller.

3. Train and export the classifier

For a detailed guide refer to the tutorial

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10).fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap)

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your Arduino project, in a file called model.h.

In this project on Machine learning we're not achieving 100% accuracy easily.
Audio is quite noise, so you should experiment with a few params for the classifier and choose the ones that perform best. I'll showcase a few examples:

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Word classification, linear kernel

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Word classification, poly-3 kernel

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Word classification, rbf kernel

2.5 Select a suitable model

Here's an overview table of the 3 tests I did.

Kernel No. support vectors Avg. accuracy
Linear 22 87%
Poly 3 29 91%
RBF 36 94%

Of course the one with the RBF kernel would be the most desiderable since it has a very high accuracy: 36 support vectors, tough, will produce a model too large to fit on an Arduino Nano.

So you're forced to pick the one with the highest accuracy that fit on your board: in my case it was the Linear kernel one.

4. Run the inference

#include "model.h"

void loop() {
    if (!soundDetected()) {

    Serial.print("You said ");


And that's it: word classification through machine learning on your Arduino board! Say some word and see the classification result on the Serial monitor.

Here's me testing the system (English is not my language, so forgive my bad pronounce). The video quality is very low, I know, but you get the point.

As you can hear from the video, you should be quite accurate when pronouncing the words. I have to admit there are cases where the system totally fails to classify correctly the words. Restarting helps most of the time, so I'm suspecting there could be some kind of leak that "corrupts" the inference procedure.

Did you find this tutorial useful? Was is it easy to follow or did I miss something? Let me know in the comments so I can keep improving the blog.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo Word classification using Arduino and MicroML proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Wifi indoor positioning using Arduino and Machine Learning in 4 steps Fri, 20 Dec 2019 17:31:16 +0000 In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to use the nearby WiFi access points to locate where we are. For this project to work you will need a Wifi equipped board, such as ESP8266 or ESP32. I published an upgraded version of this project, with all the code and tools you need: check it […]

L'articolo Wifi indoor positioning using Arduino and Machine Learning in 4 steps proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to use the nearby WiFi access points to locate where we are. For this project to work you will need a Wifi equipped board, such as ESP8266 or ESP32.

Wifi indoor positioning @ ri-elaborated from

I published an upgraded version of this project, with all the code and tools you need: check it out

What is Wifi indoor positioning?

We all are used to GPS positioning: our device will use satellites to track our position on Earth. GPS works very well and with a very high accuracy (you can expect only a few meters of error).

But it suffers a problem: it needs Line of Sight (a clear path from your device to the satellites). If you're not in an open place, like inside a building, you're out of luck.

The task of detecting where you are when GPS localization is not an option is called indoor positioning: it could be in a building, an airport, a parking garage.

There are lots of different approaches to this task (Wikipedia lists more than 10 of them), each with a varying level of commitment, difficulty, cost and accuracy.

For this tutorial I opted for one that is both cost-efficient, easy to implement and readily available in most of the locations: WiFi indoor positioning.

What will we use it for?

In this tutorial about Machine learning on Arduino we're going to use Wifi indoor positioning to detect in which room of our house / office we are. This is the most basic task we can accomplish and will get us a feeling of level of accuracy we can achieve with such a simple setup.

On this basis, we'll construct more sophisticated projects in future posts.

What you need

To accomplish this tutorial, you really need 2 things:

  1. a WiFi equipped board (ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino MKR WiFi 1010...)
  2. be in a place with a few WiFi networks around

If you're doing this at home or in your office, there's a good change your neighbours have WiFi networks in their apartments you can leverage. If you live in an isolated contryside, sorry, this will not work for you.

How it works

So, how exactly does Wifi indoor positioning works in conjuction with Machine learning?

Let's pretend there are 5 different WiFi networks around you, like in the picture below.

Wifi indoor positioning example

As you can see there are two markers on the map: each of these markers will "see" different networks, with different signal strengths (a.k.a RSSI).

As you move around, those numbers will change: each room will be identified by the unique combination of the RSSIs.

1. Features definition

The features for this project are going to be the RSSIs (Received signal strength indication) of the known WiFi networks. If a network is out of range, it will have an RSSI equal to 0.

2. Record sample data

Before actually recording the sample data to train our classifier, we need to do some preliminary work. This is because not all networks will be visible all the time: we have to work, however, with a fixed number of features.

2.1 Enumerate the access points

First of all we need to enumerate all the networks we will encounter during the inference process.

To begin, we take a "reconnaissance tour" of the locations we want to predict and log all the networks we detect. Load the following sketch and take note of all the networks that appear on the Serial monitor.

#include <WiFi.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int numNetworks = WiFi.scanNetworks();

  for (int i = 0; i < numNetworks; i++) {


2.2 Create an access point array

Now that we have a bunch of SSIDs, we need to assign each SSID to a fixed index, from 0 to MAX_NETWORKS.

You can implement this part as you like, but in this demo I'll make use of a class I wrote called Array (you can see the source code and example on Github), which implements 2 useful functions:

  1. push() to add an element to the array
  2. indexOf() to get the index of an element.

See how to install the Eloquent library if you don't have it already installed.
At this point we populate the array with all the networks we saved from the reconnaissance tour.

#include <eDataStructures.h>

#define MAX_NETWORKS 10

using namespace Eloquent::DataStructures;

double features[MAX_NETWORKS];
Array<String, MAX_NETWORKS> knownNetworks("");

void setup() {

    knownNetworks.push("SSID #0");
    knownNetworks.push("SSID #1");
    knownNetworks.push("SSID #2");
    knownNetworks.push("SSID #3");
    // and so on

2.3 Convert to features vector

The second step is to convert the scan results into a features vector. Each feature will be the RSSI of the given SSID, in the exact order we populated the knownNetworks array.

In practice:

features[0] == RSSI of SSID #0;
features[1] == RSSI of SSID #1;
features[2] == RSSI of SSID #2;
features[3] == RSSI of SSID #3;
// and so on

The code below will do the job.

void loop() {

void scan() {
    int numNetworks = WiFi.scanNetworks();


    // assign RSSIs to feature vector
    for (int i = 0; i < numNetworks; i++) {
        String ssid = WiFi.SSID(i);
        uint16_t networkIndex = knownNetworks.indexOf(ssid);

        // only create feature if the current SSID is a known one
        if (!isnan(networkIndex))
            features[networkIndex] = WiFi.RSSI(i);

// reset all features to 0
void resetFeatures() {
    const uint16_t numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(double);

    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatues; i++)
        features[i] = 0;

void printFeatures() {
    const uint16_t numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(float);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
        Serial.print(i == numFeatures - 1 ? 'n' : ',');

Grab some recordings just staying in a location for a few seconds and save the serial output to a file; then move to the next location and repeat: 10-15 samples for each location will suffice.

If you do a good job, you should end with distinguible features, as show in the plot below.

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components from Wifi indoor positioning features

RSSIs may be a little noisy, mostly on the boundaries where weak networks may appear and disappear with a very low RSSI: this was not a problem for me, but if you're getting bad results you may filter out those low values.

// replace
features[networkIndex] = WiFi.RSSI(i);

// with
#define MIN_RSSI -90 // adjust to your needs

features[networkIndex] = WiFi.RSSI(i) > MIN_RSSI ? WiFi.RSSI(i) : 0;

3. Train and export the classifier

For a detailed guide refer to the tutorial

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10).fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap)

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your Arduino project, in a file called model.h.

4. Run the inference

#include "model.h"

void loop() {

void classify() {
    Serial.print("You are in ");

Move around your house/office/whatever and see your location printed on the serial monitor!

Did you find this tutorial useful? Was is it easy to follow or did I miss something? Let me know in the comments so I can keep improving the blog.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo Wifi indoor positioning using Arduino and Machine Learning in 4 steps proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

How to do Gesture identification through machine learning on Arduino Thu, 19 Dec 2019 13:25:46 +0000 In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to use an accelerometer sensor to identify the gestures you play. This is a remake of the project found on the Tensorflow blog. We're going to use a lot less powerful chip in this tutorial, tough: an Arduino Nano (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash […]

L'articolo How to do Gesture identification through machine learning on Arduino proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to use an accelerometer sensor to identify the gestures you play.
This is a remake of the project found on the Tensorflow blog. We're going to use a lot less powerful chip in this tutorial, tough: an Arduino Nano (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash and only 2 kb of RAM.

Decision boundaries, 99% accuracy

1. Features definition

We're going to use the accelerations along the 3 axis (X, Y, Z) coming from an IMU to infer which gesture we're playing. We'll use a fixed number of recordings (NUM_SAMPLES) starting from the first detection of movement.

This means our feature vectors are going to be of dimension 3 * NUM_SAMPLES, which can become too large to fit in the memory of the Arduino Nano. We'll start with a low value for NUM_SAMPLES to keep it as leaner as possible: if your classifications suffer from poor accuracy, you can increase this number.

2. Record sample data

2.1 Read the IMU sensor

First of all, we need to read the raw data from the IMU. This piece of code will be different based on the specific chip you use. To keep things consistent, we'll wrap the IMU logic in 2 functions: imu_setup and imu_read.

I'll report a couple of example implementations for the MPU6050 and the MPU9250 (these are the chip I have at hand). You should save whichever code you use in a file called imu.h.

#include "Wire.h"
// library from
#include "MPU6050.h"

MPU6050 imu;

void imu_setup() {

void imu_read(float *ax, float *ay, float *az) {
    int16_t _ax, _ay, _az, _gx, _gy, _gz;

    imu.getMotion6(&_ax, &_ay, &_az, &_gx, &_gy, &_gz);

    *ax = _ax;
    *ay = _ay;
    *az = _az;
#include "Wire.h"
// library from
#include "MPU9250.h"

MPU9250 imu(Wire, 0x68);

void imu_setup() {

void imu_read(float *ax, float *ay, float *az) {

    *ax = imu.getAccelX_mss();
    *ay = imu.getAccelY_mss();
    *az = imu.getAccelZ_mss();

In the main .ino file, we dump the values to Serial monitor / plotter.

#include "imu.h"

#define NUM_SAMPLES 30
#define NUM_AXES 3
// sometimes you may get "spikes" in the readings
// set a sensible value to truncate too large values
#define TRUNCATE_AT 20

double features[NUM_SAMPLES * NUM_AXES];

void setup() {

void loop() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

    ax = constrain(ax, -TRUNCATE_AT, TRUNCATE_AT);
    ay = constrain(ay, -TRUNCATE_AT, TRUNCATE_AT);
    az = constrain(az, -TRUNCATE_AT, TRUNCATE_AT);


Open the Serial plotter and make some movement to have an idea of the range of your readings.

Raw IMU readings for the gestures identification project

2.2 Calibration

Due to gravity, we get a stable value of -9.8 on the Z axis at rest (you can see this in the previous image). Since I'd like to have almost 0 at rest, I created a super simple calibration procedure to remove this fixed offset from the readings.

double baseline[NUM_AXES];
double features[NUM_SAMPLES * NUM_AXES];

void setup() {

void loop() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

    ax = constrain(ax - baseline[0], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    ay = constrain(ay - baseline[1], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    az = constrain(az - baseline[2], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);

void calibrate() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

    baseline[0] = ax;
    baseline[1] = ay;
    baseline[2] = az;

Calibrated IMU readings for the gestures identification project

Much better.

2.3 Detect first motion

Now we need to check if motion is happening. To keep it simple, we'll use a naive approach that will look for an high value in the acceleration: if a threshold is exceeded, a gesture is starting.

If you did the calibration step, a threshold of 5 should work well. If you didn't calibrate, you have to come up with a value that suits your needs.

#include imu.h


void loop() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

    ax = constrain(ax - baseline[0], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    ay = constrain(ay - baseline[1], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    az = constrain(az - baseline[2], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);

    if (!motionDetected(ax, ay, az)) {

bool motionDetected(float ax, float ay, float az) {
    return (abs(ax) + abs(ay) + abs(az)) > ACCEL_THRESHOLD;

2.4 Record features

If no motion is happening, we don't take any action and keep watching. If motion is happening, we print the next NUM_SAMPLES readings to Serial.

void loop() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

    ax = constrain(ax - baseline[0], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    ay = constrain(ay - baseline[1], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    az = constrain(az - baseline[2], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);

    if (!motionDetected(ax, ay, az)) {


void recordIMU() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
        imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

        ax = constrain(ax - baseline[0], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
        ay = constrain(ay - baseline[1], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
        az = constrain(az - baseline[2], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);

        features[i * NUM_AXES + 0] = ax;
        features[i * NUM_AXES + 1] = ay;
        features[i * NUM_AXES + 2] = az;


void printFeatures() {
    const uint16_t numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(float);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
        Serial.print(i == numFeatures - 1 ? 'n' : ',');

Record 15-20 samples for each geasture and save them to a file, one for each gesture. Since we're dealing with highly dimensional data, you should collect as much samples as possible, to average out the noise.

3. Train and export the classifier

For a detailed guide refer to the tutorial

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10).fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap)

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your Arduino project, in a file called model.h.

In this project on Machine learning, differently from the previous and simpler ones, we're not achieving 100% accuracy easily. Motion is quite noise, so you should experiment with a few params for the classifier and choose the ones that perform best. I'll showcase a few examples:

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Gestures features, Linear kernel

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Gestures features, Polynomial kernel

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Gestures features, RBF kernel, 0.01 gamma

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components of Gestures features, RBF kernel, 0.001 gamma

3.1 Select a suitable model

Now that we selected the best model, we have to export it to C code. Here comes the culprit: not all models will fit on your board.

The core of SVM (Support Vector Machines) are support vectors: each trained classifier will be characterized by a certain number of them. The problem is: if there're too much, the generated code will be too large to fit in your flash.

For this reason, instead of selecting the best model on accuracy, you should make a ranking, from the best performing to the worst. For each model, starting from the top, you should import it in your Arduino project and try to compile: if it fits, fine, you're done. Otherwise you should pick the next and try again.

It may seem a tedious process, but keep in mind that we're trying to infer a class from 90 features in 2 Kb of RAM and 32 Kb of flash: I think this is an acceptable tradeoff.

We're fitting a model to infer a class from 90 features in 2 Kb of RAM and 32 Kb of flash!
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I'll report a few figures for different combinations I tested.

Kernel C Gamma Degree Vectors Flash size RAM (b) Avg accuracy
RBF 10 0.001 - 37 53 Kb 1228 99%
Poly 100 0.001 2 12 25 Kb 1228 99%
Poly 100 0.001 3 25 40 Kb 1228 97%
Linear 50 - 1 40 55 Kb 1228 95%
RBF 100 0.01 - 61 80 Kb 1228 95%

As you can see, we achieved a very high accuracy on the test set for all the classifiers: only one, though, fitted on the Arduino Nano. Of course, if you use a larger board, you can deploy the others too.

As a side note, take a look at the RAM column: all the values are equal: this is because in the implementation is independant from the number of support vectors and only depends on the number of features.

4. Run the inference

#include "model.h"

void loop() {
    float ax, ay, az;

    imu_read(&ax, &ay, &az);

    ax = constrain(ax - baseline[0], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    ay = constrain(ay - baseline[1], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);
    az = constrain(az - baseline[2], -TRUNCATE, TRUNCATE);

    if (!motionDetected(ax, ay, az)) {


void classify() {
    Serial.print("Detected gesture: ");

Here we are: it has been a long post, but now you can classify gestures with an Arduino Nano and 2 Kb of RAM.

No fancy Neural Networks, no Tensorflow, no 32-bit ARM processors: plain old SVM on plain old 8 bits with 97% accuracy.
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Here's a short demo of me playing 3 gestures and getting the results on the serial monitor.

Project figures

On my machine, the sketch targeted at the Arduino Nano (old generation) requires 25310 bytes (82%) of program space and 1228 bytes (59%) of RAM. This means you could actually run machine learning in even less space than what the Arduino Nano provides. So, the answer to the question Can I run machine learning on Arduino? is definetly YES.

Did you find this tutorial useful? Was is it easy to follow or did I miss something? Let me know in the comments so I can keep improving the blog.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo How to do Gesture identification through machine learning on Arduino proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

Morse alphabet identification on Arduino with Machine learning Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:07:38 +0000 In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to identify the letters from the Morse alphabet. In practice, we'll translate dots (•) and dashes (‒) "typed" with a push button into meaningful characters. In this tutorial we're going to target an Arduino Nano board (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash and only 2 […]

L'articolo Morse alphabet identification on Arduino with Machine learning proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to identify the letters from the Morse alphabet.
In practice, we'll translate dots (•) and dashes (‒) "typed" with a push button into meaningful characters.
In this tutorial we're going to target an Arduino Nano board (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash and only 2 kb of RAM.

credits to

1. Features definition

For our task we'll use a simple push button as input and a fixed number of samples taken at a fixed interval (100 ms), starting from the first detection of the button press. I chose to record 30 samples for each letter, but you can easily customize the value as per your needs.

With 30 samples at 100 ms frequency, we'll have 3 seconds to "type" the letter and on the Serial monitor will appear a sequence of 0s and 1s, representing if the button was pressed or not; the inference procedure will translate this sequence into a letter.
As a reference, here are a couple example of what we'll be working with.

// A (•‒)

// D (‒••)

// E (•)

2. Record sample data

To the bare minimum, we'll need a push button and two wires: one to ground and the other to a digital pin. Since in the example we'll make the button an INPUT_PULLUP, we'll read 0 when the button is pressed and 1 when not.

credits to

All we need to do is detect a press and record the following 30 samples of the digital pin:

#define IN 4
#define NUM_SAMPLES 30
#define INTERVAL 100

double features[NUM_SAMPLES];

void setup() {
  pinMode(IN, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(IN) == 0) {


void recordButtonStatus() {
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
    features[i] = digitalRead(IN);

void printFeatures() {
    const uint16_t numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(float);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
        Serial.print(i == numFeatures - 1 ? 'n' : ',');

Open the Serial monitor and type a few times each letter: try to introduce some variations each time, for example waiting some more milliseconds before releasing the dash.

If you've never typed morse code before (as me), choose letters with few keystrokes and quite differentiable, otherwise you will need to be very good with the timing.

Save the recordings for each letter in a file named after the letter, so you will get meaningful results later on.

You may end with duplicate recordings: don't worry, that's not a problem. I'll paste my recordings for a few letters, as a reference.

// A (•‒)

// D (‒••)

// E (•)

// S (•••)

// T (‒)

If you do a good job, you should end with quite distinguible features, as show in the plot below.

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components from Morse alphabet identification features

3. Train and export the classifier

For a detailed guide refer to the tutorial

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10).fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap)

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your Arduino project, in a file called model.h.

4. Run the inference

#include "model.h"

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(IN) == 0) {
    Serial.print("Detected letter: ");


Type some letter using the push button and see the identified value printed on the serial monitor.

That’s it: you deployed machine learning in 2 Kb!

Project figures

On my machine, the sketch targeted at the Arduino Nano (old generation) requires 12546 bytes (40%) of program space and 366 bytes (17%) of RAM. This means you could actually run machine learning in even less space than what the Arduino Nano provides. So, the answer to the question Can I run machine learning on Arduino? is definetly YES.

Did you find this tutorial useful? Was is it easy to follow or did I miss something? Let me know in the comments so I can keep improving the blog.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo Morse alphabet identification on Arduino with Machine learning proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

How to do color identification through machine learning on Arduino Sun, 01 Dec 2019 10:35:29 +0000 In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to use an RGB sensor to identify objects based on their color. This is a remake of the project found on the Tensorflow blog. We're going to use a lot less powerful chip in this tutorial, tough: an Arduino Nano (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of […]

L'articolo How to do color identification through machine learning on Arduino proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.

In this Arduno Machine learning project we're going to use an RGB sensor to identify objects based on their color.
This is a remake of the project found on the Tensorflow blog. We're going to use a lot less powerful chip in this tutorial, tough: an Arduino Nano (old generation), equipped with 32 kb of flash and only 2 kb of RAM.

1. Features definition

We're going to use the RGB components of a color sensor (TCS3200 in my case) to infer which object we're pointing it at. This means our features are going to be of 3-dimensional, which leads to a really simple model with very high accuracy.

You can do color identification on Arduino using Machine learning without Neural Networks #Arduino #microml #ml #tinyml #MachineLearning #ai #svm
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2. Record sample data

We don't need any processing to get from the sensor readings to the feature vector, so the code will be straight-forward: read each component from the sensor and assign it to the features array. This part will vary based on the specific chip you have: I'll report the code for a TCS 230/3200.

#define S2 2
#define S3 3
#define sensorOut 4

double features[3];

void setup() {
  pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(sensorOut, INPUT);

void loop() {

int readComponent(bool s2, bool s3) {
  digitalWrite(S2, s2);
  digitalWrite(S3, s3);

  return pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);

void readRGB() {
  features[0] = readComponent(LOW, LOW);
  features[1] = readComponent(HIGH, HIGH);
  features[2] = readComponent(LOW, HIGH);

void printFeatures() {
    const uint16_t numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(float);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
        Serial.print(i == numFeatures - 1 ? 'n' : ',');

Open the Serial monitor and put some colored objects in front of the sensor: move the object a bit and rotate it, so the samples will include different shades of the color.

Save the recordings for each color in a file named after the color, so you will get meaningful results later on.

Don’t forget to sample the “empty color” too: don’t put anything in front of the sensor and let it record for a while.

If you do a good job, you should end with distinguible features, as show in the contour plot below.

Decision boundaries of 2 PCA components from the colors features

3. Train and export the classifier

For a detailed guide refer to the tutorial

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from micromlgen import port

# put your samples in the dataset folder
# one class per file
# one feature vector per line, in CSV format
features, classmap = load_features('dataset/')
X, y = features[:, :-1], features[:, -1]
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=30, max_depth=10).fit(X, y)
c_code = port(classifier, classmap=classmap)

At this point you have to copy the printed code and import it in your Arduino project, in a file called model.h.

4. Run the inference

#include model.h

void loop() {

Put some colored object in front of the sensor and see the identified object name printed on the serial monitor.

Do you remember the "empty color"? It needs to be recorded so you will get "empty" when no object is present, otherwise you'll get unexpected predictions

Given the simplicity of the task, you should easily achieve near 100% accuracy for different colors (I had some troubles distinguishing orange from yellow because of the bad illumination). Just be sure to replicate the exact same setup both during training and classification.

That’s it: you deployed machine learning in 2 Kb!

Project figures

On my machine, the sketch targeted at the Arduino Nano (old generation) requires 5570 bytes (18%) of program space and 266 bytes (12%) of RAM. This means you could actually run machine learning in even less space than what the Arduino Nano provides. So, the answer to the question Can I run machine learning on Arduino? is definetly YES.

Did you find this tutorial useful? Was is it easy to follow or did I miss something? Let me know in the comments so I can keep improving the blog.

Check the full project code on Github

L'articolo How to do color identification through machine learning on Arduino proviene da Eloquent Arduino Blog.
